pyPSYC depends on python (tested with 2.2.1) and tkinter (note: if you want you can write qt, gtk, wxpython gui's etc) also, this version depends on twisted python from prior to starting you need to edit the config-example file and move it to $HOME/.pypsyc/config on windows keep it in the same directory as and change line 22"HOME") + "/.pypsyc/config") to"config") This will soon be automated somehow. start pyPSYC with `python` there are two command styles... local command which start with "/" currently there are two of them, "/join psyc://host/@room" (atm this works only if you are connected to host) and "/part" which parts the current room. /quit is also supported, although atm it is semantically an alias for #quit the other command style is commands starting with "#" they are handled by your UNI with a _request_execute